Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Shows that less is more

Image of a child at the Trung Tam Nhan Dao Tu An Orphanage, chosen by Daisy Yates as special to her from the trip.

Daisy writes:

She made the most out of what she had

Over the two weeks we spent in Vietnam many beautiful memories were made. However, one that I am certain will forever reside in my mind is at the first orphanage we visited and the time we got to spend with the children. I chose this photo out of many as it shows this young girl was so joyful even though she had so little. Her bed was simply a little wooden frame with no mattress, just a few spare clothes as a pillow and during meals it would become her table. At first she was really shy around us and would run off if we got to close. However soon her confidence started to grow, she would run up to us and give us a high five before running off again and try to hide and throw some of her toys at us. It was such a simple game but you could tell she was having so much fun just by the smile that was on her face. Even though she had few toys to play with, she made the most out of what she had and was so happy running back and forth playing with us. We all have so much that we take for granted and this experience really went to show how grateful we should all be to have access to plenty of food and water, a family who loves us and a quality education. It also shows that less is more, these children had barely anything but they were wandering around smiling and laughing happy with the things they had. Afterwards it was a really nice feeling to know that we were able to support these children in some way. This moment was one out of many highlights on a fantastic trip which I will forever be grateful I was a part of.

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